Handcrafted Healing Herbal Oils
Four Monthly Payments ($117/mo)
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“I am so loving everything you teach! The St. John’s wort oil took the arthritis pain out of a friends’ hand, she was shocked (and grateful)! Thank you for making your herbal classes FUN!!”

Frances Florence, OR

“Your approach to teaching and holding my hand through this class made herbal oils so easy. Learning about the oils helped me understand herbal medicine so much more. Thank you so much.”

Hilary Go

“I absolutely love the way you teach, I thoroughly enjoy every moment spent “in your company”. As a teacher myself I know how important it is to connect with your audience, you do it brilliantly. I have had a very bad shoulder for years, thanks to the oils I made in class, I can actually pull a shirt off over my head without wanting to scream!”

Ellen, Ohio

“You are an inspirational mentor/teacher embodied with deep earth wisdom. I had no hesitation diving straight into class and making my first oil. I felt confident and trusted your methods which I knew were informed by years of experience. And also for the first time in my life I felt willing to experiment and play with the process and have made lots of different oils. I’m very grateful to have found you.”

Louisa, Wales

“This class has made me feel so empowered and I really love the self-care section of the class. It blows my mind how the oils I learned about in class can bring calm to my anxious, over-stimulated nerves and mind. I’m so thankful for this course, you have taught me so much about how to do truly healthy and healing self-care.

From this course I now finally feel like I have the tools to make really pure, but potent healing products for my skin and my body that I can trust and truly enjoy. I’m so thankful for having found your class, and all this valuable knowledge that is going to keep my family healthy, and help us avoid pharmaceutical drugs as much as possible!”

Naolani, Switzerland
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